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Public Space in Kibera, Nairobi:
" Site 05"

This project was initiated by the residents of Gatwekera village in Kibera, Nairobi. Through a lengthy community-driven process, the site for a new public space was identified, designed, and constructed along the Ngong River at the Southern edge of the settlement.


The completed space incorporates resident’s desires for a water and sanitation block with toilets, showers, a business kiosk, and a foot bridge allowing safe crossing of the river.  The design also supports a mural that was designed by a local artist in consultation with area residents.  Due to limited water and sanitation infrastructure in the settlement, the site called for a septic system as the sole option for waste water management.  A constructed wetland was also installed in order to mitigate contamination of the surrounding landscape.


This project is part of Kounkuey Design Initiative’s Productive Public Space Project.

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